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Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Happy birthday to Food for Fish!

In an amazing defeat to procrastination and laziness, the author of “Food for fish” Travis Mielonen, has managed to keep Food for Fish alive for one year. The appearance of the site has changed a number times, even at one point leaving out the authors favorite color of blue and turning to a red/tan theme, there was also the infamous orange/blue theme, but that didn’t last long at the request of the visitors.

A quick history of events at Food for Fish (unfortunately my comments only go back 6 months, I don't know what happened): You can find the first post here, referring to one of the hugest struggles in Travis’ life. Here is the result of a pretty funny quiz (in retrospect), I think sticking it out has worked just fine! Here is an “about me” post. Here is one version of my testimony. My heart pouring out here. A bizarre nightmare I had. My favorite peace of creative work (its not that great, but I like it). Another version of my testimony. My “Creed” parts one, two, and three. One of the most amazing nights (with some other random pictures). A time with Carly I won’t forget. This is pretty funny now… being called w/o being equipped? This surely applies still to this day! This is what I miss the most. A different view of God. Its been a while since I’ve struggled hard core with this problem, I still get hits to Food for Fish from the “Lust” oneword link. We are a world apart, but still together, God is so good. Thoughts on homosexualityThoughts on Alexis… I still haven’t kissed her, but the rest is history (or will be history). Confirmation on Poland, yep it was true. Two people I miss dearly, and that night was just the beginning. And now I’m here. And another view of God. One of my first breakdown moments here. Switzerland, will always be one of my best memories in Europe. Another one of my meltdowns... but all is well now.

So, I’m very happy with where I am, and I know God has many more things in store for me. Thanks for the prayers, the support, just being somehow involved in my life, even if it just “lurking” here, and I don’t even know you.

Lord Jesus, I give thanks to every person who has ever had any kind impact on my life, good and bad, that is what shapes us. All honor and glory to you, all praise and thanks to you, with out you nothing is good. I pray for all of my friends and family to be drawn closer to you, in a way which impacts their life, and therefore they can impact the lives of others. In Jesus’ name, thank you Lord. Make it so, amen.

UPDATE: I had a lot of broken links, links to wrong posts, they are fixed now. I got my iPhone to work great now! It was the stupid built in WindowsXP firewall! So give me a call anytime between 11pm and 3:30pm Seattle Pacific Time! The number is on the left on my sidebar under church plant info.