The Old Couple.
The old man lifts a wrinkled hand and strokes the old women's gray hair. The old women lifts a wrinkled hand puts it on his left knee, to comfort him. Together they are one, one entity in which all has started. For together, they created all of which exists, they are the creator.
They longed for a relationship. Soon, they created the universe together. Both the old man and women created the universe, stretching them in such a way they would continue for ever, and ever. In this wonderful universe they created a special place, just for this relationship they longed for.
This place would be the planet Earth; on Earth the first creation in which they could have a relationship with was created. In their own image they created Adam, a human, something which could love, or hate them back. Adam was able to communicate with the old entity one on one. The creator asked Adam to name all the animals and have dominion over them, it was a beautiful site, and the old couple was very happy and pleased with their creation.
Soon after though, the creator decided it was not good for Adam to be alone. The old couple wanted Adam to have the same relationship they did. So, from Adam they created Eve. Eve was created in the same image as Adam. Eve was a helper to Adam as the creator was a helper to the two of them. Together they were also joined as one, having the same attributes as the old couple, for alone they could not accomplish this.
The old couple loved Adam and Eve with all their hearts. They called Adam and Eve their young creation, for they were joined together as one, just as the old couple. They instructed the earthly couple to use what they had given them. They also told them about the choices they could make, to live holy lives which would honor their creator, who longed for a loving relationship. The other choice was to know both good and evil. The creator did not want the creation to know this, because it would mean the relationship would be broken, and their creation would need to be taught the hard way, but because of their love, they gave this choice to the young creation.
The evil in the world, was about one day, and talked Eve into making this choice to know both good and evil. Eve was convinced and chose to know both good and evil. Adam did not stop Eve from making this choice, and so in essence Adam too made the choice, because they are one.
From here on, there was a separation between the creator and the created. But the creator moves on, and has a plan which is good, and would restore the relationship. The creator had many people do many things, so that one day; they (the creator) could finally repair this relationship, which is all they wanted.
So in time, they came down to Earth, in the human version of them self to repair the relationship. Because the Earthly culture had been so separated they had forgotten that both male and female were created in the image of the creator, neither male nor female is greater than the other, but the culture deemed men stronger, and wiser. Therefore the creator had to send a son, to repair the relationship, and make it sacred once again.
This son of theirs would live a life as the creator had commanded from the beginning. He would fulfill all the predictions of generations past. He would remain a mystery for years and years to come, because only he would truly repair the relationship with the creator for humanity's sake.
The son was so radical, he claimed to be the son of the creator, to be the only way to be with the creator forever, he told the creation their was one narrow path, but the creation revolted against him, and killed him. But just as was predicted he rose from the dead; and with him brought the spirit of the creator to all who followed him, and to all who change their ways from that day forward. The relationship from that day can always be restored, just by accepting that the son died to recreate the original relationship and following the ways of the son of the old couple, of the creator.
The old couple now watch, cry, laugh, love, play, sing, listen, give, and take of their creation. They long for relationship with every single one of their creation, in such a way that they can personally guide and direct them, so that in the end of their Earthly lives they may never be separated again.
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Posted by
5:24 PM |
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Fellowship was the name of the game today. I love being around people, I love talking, hanging out, and just being real with a group of people who share the same common drive, Jesus. I love hanging out why my other "non-Jesus" friends, but they just don't give me the same high as these guys. I love just feeling uplifted and loved. We don't always agree on things, but we know how to communicate and show that even in the end, we still love each other. I've realized that to have fun, you just got to be your self, instead of trying to get attention or expecting people to talk to you, just talk to them, and be your self, ask questions. Lets just say today was very filling, even though I didn't accomplish much, I did improve on relationships, and that my friends the most important thing in life. So a quick run down of my weekend....
Friday night - Jordan Munoz @ Lauren's AWESOME - Visit his website, awesome music! After that, at about 1am I decided to go catch up with Kyle, Ryan, Eric, Andy and Brandy. Where we watched Evolution (yeah, don't ask) and Down Periscope... funnnnyyy.
Saturday Night - Slept in until noon, then Katy came over and we talked it was fun. Then we went to Pet Smart so I could buy some new fishies, then on our way back to my place, I got rear ended right across from the entrance to my place... but its okay, now all the damage on my bumper will be fixed (at no cost to me) because in Washington state all rear endings are by default the other person's fault (whoever is in back). Put the fishies in my tank, then went off to John's place for a Guy's night, where John, Joel and I went to Billy McHale's and had our selves some ribs, potatoes and other good stuff. Then we played games back at John's place... fun stuff.
Sunday - Got up at 10am, went to Church (Bob was awesome, and sooo funny today) learned about the narrow path, about how narrow the Christian path really is. Then a bunch of us from the Young Adults group hung out the rest of the day. We first went to the Old Spaghetti Factory, then we went to Funtasia where we played mini-golf, then we went to the Edmunds waterfront, and talked and screwed around. Then we went to Tully's in Edmunds where we were going to get something to eat and drink, but we didn't instead a group of us waited in line for the bathroom for like 20 min, then they told us there was a bigger bathroom down the hall where we could actually relieve ourselves quickly. After that, we went to Brandy's place, it was fun, we had pizza and played video games and talked and stuff, fun times. Then I went home, and found the desk in the corner of my room had been knocked over by, what else but the cats. All off my stuff was all over my floor, including my laptop, of which the wireless card was busted, thank God I had another one, and it's working right now. Then Eric came home with Leah and we went to the hot tub, when we returned there were two people waiting at the top of the opposite stairs and they served Eric with papers from some lady who wants to sue him for some accident 3 years ago... whatever. Anyway now I'm here typing this... yay... God is good. I promise to have blog entries a little more deep than this, but this is what I've been feeling like doing so, this is what you're getting.
PS. I've decided to use names now, but only in good context. Which means I have to use my judgement, so if I use a name in bad context please let me know i've misjudged, and i'll remove the name/content/post. Thanks.
Posted by
11:50 PM |
Friday, April 25, 2003
I love the sun; it just makes me feel better. One of the nicest feelings is when it is a sunny Friday, you know what I mean? You get off work (for me that means finally leaving my office which has no windows), go outside the warmth of the sun hits my body, and I get giddy because I don�t have to work or go to school for two days! It means good times with friends, going out, and best of all worship and Bob on Sunday morning! I am always so ready for church on Sundays; I don�t know how I survived with out it before.
So last night I found that boy who was missing. I found him in the middle of worship at Young Adults last night, it was awesome. You know how I found him? I just released it all, I released all the crap in my life, and I gave it to God to handle. But instead of half heartedly saying "God, take all of this and do as you please" I put the expectation on God to handle it, I essentially screamed at him, it felt so good! And you know what? He took it, he took it all away, and I felt physically close to him more than I have in a while. This whole week has been exhausting but I know I can expect God to take care of those things. God is good.
Here are a few things I have learned in my short years of being with Christ.
1) I can truly expect God to do things, this isn�t being blind this is having faith.
2) Using both my emotions, my mind, and my initial instinct to follow Christ works the best. Essentially loving God with my Heart, Mind and Soul� and worshipping God with truth (mind) and Spirit (soul and emotions).
3) Thinking of others and how you can positively affect them, instead of your self is positively the most rewarding thing I can ever do. This is by far the best thing we can do on Earth as Christians for other people.
Posted by
2:58 PM |
Wednesday, April 23, 2003
Still searching for that boy who had the faith to move a mountain.
Want the fire back.
Another question in me
One for the powers that be
It's got me thrown and so
I put on my poker face
And try to figure it out
This undeniable doubt
A common occurrence
Feeling so out of place
Guarded and cynical now
Can't help but wondering how
My heart evolved into a
Rock beating inside of me
So I reel, such a stoic ordeal
Where's that feeling that I don't feel?
There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain
And like a child he would believe without a reason
Without a trace he disappeared into the void and
I've been searching for that missing person
Under a lavender moon
So many thoughts consume me
Who dimmed the glowing light
That once burned so bright in me
Is this a radical phase
A problematical age
That keeps me running
From all that I used to be
Is there a way to return
Is there a way to unlearn
That carnal knowledge
That's chipping away at my soul
I've been gone too long
Will I ever find my way home?
There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain
And like a child he would believe without a reason
Without a trace he disappeared into the void and
I've been searching for that missing person
He used to want to try to walk the straight and narrow
He had a fire and he could feel it in the marrow
It's been a long time and I haven't seen him lately but
I've been searching for that missing person
//Michael W. Smith//
I thought this song was by someone else, but I guess not, I guess Michael W. Smith isn't that bad after all. Any way, this song sums up how i've been feeling lately.
Posted by
1:38 PM |
So, I just havn't had much to say lately. I have a lot of things going on upstairs... but they are not very well put together at the moment. Just pray that I can grow stronger, i'm having some relapses in certain areas (that's enough for most people to understand).
Here is what is in my head right now.
1. I really do not like my job right now.
2. We really need a roommate, and hopefully someone I know will want to move in.
3. School work is insane at the moment, but I love it at the same time.
4. I really need to catch up on my support letters and all that good stuff for my missions to Poland.
5. When you actually go to work on time, it's a long, long time before that awesome lunch time comes up.
6. God is awesome, and i'm going to go to Bible College when I return from Poland.
Posted by
10:47 AM |
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
So, I was sitting at Starbuck's tonight with a good friend of mine, when I had this thought. Why is God sending me somewhere when I have no real experience? Why am I feeling called to some kind of pastorship, when I have no real skill in it? Why do I have god given skills in something my heart is not in? Why do I have no heart in the skills God has given me and why is my heart in something I have no skills?
Her answer� Because God calls us to depend on him, when we lean on our skills we don't need him, but if we do something he is calling us to do, we have to lean on him, so he can use us. Wow, what a thought. Now�
God, can I please have at least a little heart put back into my gifts which you have given me? Can you please just change up my work somehow� I know� I need to have a change of heart, I need to initiate it� I'm just too lazy right now, and for how long; I have no idea. I need to really sit down and pray and figure this out, I know if this whole work thing gets panned out, then I can really start to enjoy my gifts.
Check out this article, I agree with it 100%. I might have more to say about it later, but it pretty much sums up how I feel about that subject, and if you read it closely, well then you should understand.
Posted by
12:49 AM |
Saturday, April 19, 2003
Click to enlarge.
Yes, we still fall short of being perfect. We can not be perfect only God is perfect. But we must try and live un-questionable lives so that others may notice who we serve. When we do mess up, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness and change from those ways. I still sin, every single day, now it may not affect others, but it does affect my relationship with God. I can only imagine how much it hurts him to be ignored, for his children to be making decisions which he knows will lead them to bad consequences, but like any other good parent, he lets us learn our lessons. All he cares is that we love him back, and listen and try to follow him, and change of our sinful ways, or be in that constant desire to honor him, as a friend, a parent, as God.
Posted by
1:36 PM |
Thursday, April 17, 2003
We need to make intentional relationships with people who do not follow Christ. This American society in particular (or at least the Seattle culture) is not open to people randomly coming up to you in a mall, or going door to door, or getting phone calls, or simply being "preached at". No, this culture is not that easily reached. This culture is selfish, scared, and claims to be "open minded" but we are not. I'm not only talking about the secular people, I'm talking about the Christians too. Have we forgotten what it's like to be on the outside of the Christian sphere? Have we lost touch with the real world? I think many of us have, including my self sometimes. My suggestion; make relationships with pre-Christians (I say pre-Christians because I know everyone is capable of knowing Christ), don't do what is not God-honoring, but be there for them, serve them. Our culture is selfish; we must see what is in it for us.
Unless people see what is so amazing, what we claim is so great, why we live, they will never want to know and follow Christ. I speak from experience, I saw a changed life. I saw my best friend from preschool change, she had a new light about her, and she was excited and living for a purpose. I became curious, but I was very cautious, I had heard the horrible things churches can do to people, I didn't want that to happen to me or to her. So, after nearly 6 or 7 months, I finally went to church with her, it was a little uncomfortable for me, but I stayed, because I had a relationship with her, and I was making new relationships with other people, who truly cared for me and still do to this day.
So, live a life which is unquestionable, you'll be rewarded not only here on Earth, but by our God, our loving God. Live a life which sparks questions of hope in the people around you; make it your choice to honor God in all you do. By honoring God in everything you do, you not only serve him, and make him smile, you serve other people, and you show God's love to them. Let the things which bother you, bother you no more, for they are unimportant in the whole scheme of things, look at the big picture, honor God, and you will not need to worry about such things.
You are the light of the world � like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
[Mathew 5:14-16]
Posted by
12:45 AM |
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
You are my God, and the only God I serve, I worship, and praise. Thank you for not expecting me to be perfect. Thank you for always being with me. Thank you for being awesome. I will search for your heart in everything I do. I will sing of your love forever. Let me never lose my love for you, I want to never dishonor you.
I see the people moving all around me, going places, doing things � But where are they?
The bus is empty, where are the people? New life strolls by � she looks on curiously as the music fills this lonely corner. They stop, they look, and they go. Where are they going?
An old man walks his dog, who will he come home to? Blue, green, yellow, purple, tan, white, black, red all kinds of colors, we are all so different.
A man walks about this corner, a small boom box, his only companion tonight; I'm too scared to talk to him, who is there for him? Lord be here with all these people � make me your light, my heart explodes for them, but I'm frozen in fear.
I ask for all of them to know you. Have them seek you, as I want to. Lord I will bang on those doors, so they may know you.
So be it.
Posted by
11:53 PM |
Yay, well i'm going to go see Carly play down at the "Starbucks corner" in Woodinville. Come join us if you get the chance...
Posted by
4:56 PM |
Monday, April 14, 2003
This is a example of my kind of humor!
Oh look at the kitty! (Make the window larger when you open it)
Posted by
4:17 PM |
How am I really doing? I'm sick and tired of being tired, not motivated, being lazy at work, feeling like I could be doing something so much more. I'm basically disappointed in my self. I'm always feeling like I need to have a deep conversation with someone, really discuss something, either politics, spiritually, culturally, family life, or biblically. It seems like when I'm in the mood to talk about this kind of stuff, either no one is around, or no one else wants to. I really enjoy talking, and communicating with others on things like this, I love coffee shops, and I love just going out, sitting on the waterfront, and either worshipping, or talking about life. I really want to know about people, why they believe what they believe, how their life and experiences have formed those ideas, and why they will or won't listen and consider changing their ideas. I think a lot of people just don't like opening up like that, I know I never use to, now it's all I want to do. I want to know, I don't want to be biased. I know I will always be bias, but I want to at least understand, and know why I believe what I believe. Right now I know I believe what I believe because I've simply followed what I read in the bible, and what Jesus asked us to be, and it has changed my life, it's been a long four years. I've made many mistakes, and I have been on both sides of the fence, and I will remain on this side, hopefully further and further away from the other, but still understanding. I know I tend to write in a strong, sometimes condeming voice, this is not where my heart is, and those who know me personally know this. I am working on changing my written voice, up until last November I never really ever wrote, so this is all new to me. Go ahead, hit me.
Posted by
4:08 PM |
I don't need to write to you about the Christian love that should be shown among God's people. For God himself has taught you to love one another. Indeed, your love is already strong toward all the Christians in all of Macedonia. Even so, dear brothers and sisters, we beg you to love them more and more. This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we commanded you before. As a result, people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others to meet your financial needs.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, we give you this command with the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ: Stay away from any Christian who lives in idleness and doesn't follow the tradition of hard work we gave you. For you know that you ought to follow our example. We were never lazy when we were with you. We never accepted food from anyone without paying for it. We worked hard day and night so that we would not be a burden to any of you. It wasn't that we didn't have the right to ask you to feed us, but we wanted to give you an example to follow. Even while we were with you, we gave you this rule: "Whoever does not work should not eat."
Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and wasting time meddling in other people's business. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we appeal to such people--no, we command them: Settle down and get to work. Earn your own living. And I say to the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.
Take note of those who refuse to obey what we say in this letter. Stay away from them so they will be ashamed. Don't think of them as enemies, but speak to them as you would to a Christian who needs to be warned.
In the first paragraph (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12) Paul is writing to the Christians in Thessalonica about Love and Hard work, or the lack of being lazy. Paul tells them to love even more, even though they already have a strong love of their fellow Christians. Their ambition should be to live a quite life, minding their own business, and working with their hands (working hard- Greek culture looked down on manual labor). So, Paul is telling me, I need to live a quite life? Mind my own business? And work hard? Well, that's a little crazy sounding. I need to go to work on time, work hard, do the projects quickly, do the maintenance, even though I hate doing it, and not complain? But then he continues� As a result of those things, those who do not follow the Lord (I say follow, because even though some may believe, they don't follow) will give you their respect, and you will not need to depend (some Christians in Thessalonica had turned to handouts) on them or others for your financial needs. This is how Paul instructs them to love more, so we as spiritual descendents of the Thessalonians should also follow what Paul asked them to do. Love more, work harder, and be respected.
Paragraph two, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15. Paul is writing back to the Thessalonians, he is concerned to hear that some of the Christians have become "idle", and are messing around in other people's business; he commands them to get to work, earn their own living. Then he goes even deeper, stay away from those brothers and sisters who refuse to work hard and stay out of others business, so they will feel ashamed of what they have done (or not done in this case). But do not treat them as an enemy, but talk to them, and speak to them as a warning.
Work hard, do not get into other people's business, this is how to show MORE love. But when another Christian is not doing their part in work, or is messing around in someone else's life, stay away from them, do not treat them as an enemy, but let them know they do not deserve respect. With that, pray they will know why they are not receiving your praises, do not disrespect them, do not expect them to just understand. Talk to them directly and not others, most likely there is more to the story then meets the eye. I think a lot of people just look down on those who do not work hard, but they never speak to them, Paul commands us to speak to them, as a warning, but I believe this is out of love not hate for the person. Let them know what comes of those who depend on others (handouts) to make their living. God does not honor this, it is not a sin, but is not honored.
Posted by
2:51 PM |
Friday, April 11, 2003
God's secret plan has now been revealed to us; it is a plan centered on Christ, designed long ago according to his good pleasure. And this is his plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ--everything in heaven and on earth. Furthermore, because of Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us from the beginning, and all things happen just as he decided long ago. God's purpose was that we who were the first to trust in Christ should praise our glorious God. And now you also have heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago. The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us everything he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. This is just one more reason for us to praise our glorious God.
Don't forget that you Gentiles used to be outsiders by birth. You were called "the uncircumcised ones" by the Jews, who were proud of their circumcision, even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts. In those days you were living apart from Christ. You were excluded from God's people, Israel, and you did not know the promises God had made to them. You lived in this world without God and without hope. But now you belong to Christ Jesus. Though you once were far away from God, now you have been brought near to him because of the blood of Christ.
For Christ himself has made peace between us Jews and you Gentiles by making us all one people. He has broken down the wall of hostility that used to separate us. By his death he ended the whole system of Jewish law that excluded the Gentiles. His purpose was to make peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new person from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of his death, and our hostility toward each other was put to death. He has brought this Good News of peace to you Gentiles who were far away from him, and to us Jews who were near. Now all of us, both Jews and Gentiles, may come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.
So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God's holy people. You are members of God's family. We are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. We who believe are carefully joined together, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. Through him you Gentiles are also joined together as part of this dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.
You see God has always wanted us to be with him. Humans have always been a little fickle, for the most part; we need good solid tangible evidence before we drop all doubt. So, God sent us just that right when we needed it. He came as Jesus, in a human body, which was just as stinky, easily broken, easily got sick, just like you and me. You may think that us as modern humans need even more evidence then the people of biblical times, but you know what, God sent his son just as needed, at the exact time. Before Christ, people kept turning away from God, so he would give them a little curse here, a little storm there, maybe flood the planet. People would remember for a while, then they would turn away again. So, God sent his Son as he had always planned, to take away our sins, to make us free, and to unify us all, as a HUMAN race. I didn't put the scripture marks in the above paragraphs because I wanted you to read it, not just skim over it, but read it. God came as Jesus at the time he did, for his good pleasure (Ephesians 1:9). We have all now heard the good news, the truth, the life of Jesus Christ, god chose each and every one of us to be his (1:11, 13, 14).
The first paragraph is Ephesians 1:9-14. It reminds us that God picked us from the very beginning to be his, but he wants us to know the truth first, and to choose him. When we make that decision (1:13) he gives us his Holy Spirit as he promised (1:14).
The second paragraph is Ephesians 2:11-18. There Paul is reminding the Gentiles (the non-Jews) that they were once separated from the people of God, they did not know the truth. The law separated them from knowing him. But because of Jesus Christ, they (the Gentiles) now know God, because of what Jesus has done; he has brought the peace between Jews and non-Jews alike.
All of human kind is essentially united because of Christ. The only separation should be between those who know Christ and those who do not, and we who do, should do all we can to live as a light and to serve those who don't. Sacrifice our lives to God, so we can serve those who do not know Christ.
We are all now citizens of God's kingdom, of his people (2:19). The third paragraph is Ephesians 2:19-22. The house of the Lord is ours, and the corner stone is Jesus Christ. We the people are all equal, we have been carefully joined together, and have become a holy temple for the Lord (2:21).
My main point is this; when you look at the world, what do you see? What nations are "great"? What have they been essentially built upon? What is wrong with those nations? What has crept into their foundations to cause these walls to crack? Thank God the church has nothing to do with physical buildings, it is with people who want to know God directly and want to follow Jesus.
Case point (this applies to other nations as well) The United States (for the most part) was created on Christian values, God honoring values. The United Kingdom turned around and became a Christian Nation Update 4/12 12:50pm after making very bad decisions in the name of Christianity (as pointed out by an anon commenter), what makes these nations, to this point (I do have some doubt as to how long they can stay this way), "great"? I believe is because they are using Christian ethics, which are slowly being depleted and changed to "let people live as they want", but I do believe that the Christian values is what makes them great. But I also believe because we were also founded on the idea of freedom, we have grown stronger by embracing other's ideas, this sounds contradictory. But what did Christ do, he united, the Gentiles and the Jews. Christ can unite anything; I believe the United States and the United Kingdom are the biggest examples of uniting in the world. Each of those nations have people from all over the world, who have come together to seek common freedom, which is only possible do to our core values. Just a thought; we must unite, in the church, as a nation, as a world of believers, so we can serve against evil.
Posted by
4:25 PM |
My next topic of choice... Unity
Oh, and by the way... Who was in my bedroom at 11:23am today? What on earth did you point my web cam at?
Posted by
1:23 PM |
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
I may not be going to a university, I may not be a bible scholar, or even a bible student and I may not be certified, approved, or seen as someone who can interpret the bible; but I know what I feel in my spirit is real, I know when things feel wrong I need to investigate those feelings, I know when things feel right I need to investigate them too. There has been much going on in my life, both personally and in the world. I know I have biases, everyone does. But is there something which nullifies those biases? Is there some reason to think that just because I have a bias everything I say is nullified? I sure hope not, look past those biases, whatever you may think they are. Do my biases hurt others? I hope not, I would never want that. Do my biases hurt my self, maybe, but I would never want that either. You see, I too am striving to become a better person. Now just because my guide to that is a "just a book" which was written thousands of years ago, over a thousand to two-thousand year period doesn't invalidate what I think.
The majority of the western world uses the guides of Aristotle, Homer, and other ancient philosophers. They too believed in God(s), what makes them more valid? So, you say truth is relative? If truth is relative then what is right and wrong? Are they relative too? My point I'm trying to make is, unless your value system is based on something absolute, never changing, always the same, you will never have complete satisfaction in life. Now how can I say this? I can say this because I was once with out an absolute value system, I once thought truth was relative, even sometimes right and wrong.
E.G. I use to think abortion was okay if a woman was raped, and become pregnant because of the rape, now I don't think any abortion is right, because even though a horrible thing happened to this women, there is still a living human inside of you, it's not "part of your body", the baby may be in your body, the child may depend on your body, but how can you call it "part" of your body, as if it had no soul, as if it was not living? Instead of abortion centers, we should have pregnancy centers, and instead of making pregnancy a burden in society we should emphasize the beauty of life! Of course coming from a man, you might be thinking, what the heck does this kid think he's talking about, as if he would ever know? Well, you know what, your right I wouldn't, but I know I've seen the hurt which women who have had abortions go through, they are constantly reminded of what they did. There is nothing we can do to bring back that child, but we can bring back her hope, and she can be forgiven. So, what's relative to the child who will be killed if this woman gets no other option? We should provide all the help we can to women who become pregnant in bad circumstances (and of course good ones), we should support them, we should care for them and their child, but most of all we should provide the spiritual support every person on this planet needs.
Update 4/10/03 3:50pm As I was discussing this topic with a friend last night, we discussed only one situation in which, if I come to it, would require huge amounts of prayer and wise counsel. The situation? If my wife (or the mother) was in danger of losing her life, and the child would also. But if the child had a better chance of living, as horrible as this may sound, I would rather have the child be born, at the risk of losing my wife... of course, this would depend on prayer and what God spoke to us at the moment. Add one more thought, I don't expect pre-Christians to be as convicted as myself, in this, or in anything else, I don't even expect any Christian to be, but I do believe that God does not give us any thing we can not handle. He only gives us what we can handle. Just some food for thought.
You see, I believe that humans are made of a body, soul and spirit. We must keep care of all three; we must provide and support other's bodies, souls and spirits. You know what motivates me to write all of this? Love. Love is the hope which compels me to do everything I do. But I am only human; I fail miserably every day to show the love I have from the one God I worship. But I know I am loved, because I have chosen to seek God, because I have accepted (in faith and w/o direct evidence) that Jesus Christ is the son of God and came to show us the way, and if we follow him, we will forever be with God.
Maybe this sounds all touch-feely to you, maybe it's a pat "Christian" or "religious" answer. I'm not a scientist; I can't give you scientific reasons to believe, but I can tell you I live my life for a purpose. Look at it this way; if God doesn't exist, but you live for him as written in the bible, then you live your life with a purpose. If he does exist and you don't live for him, then you lose everything. If God doesn't exist, and you don't live for him, you don't lose anything. If God exist and you live for him, you gain everything.
Posted by
5:02 PM |
Monday, April 07, 2003
And now time for a little slide show, well at least as best you can do on a free blog.
Click on a picture to see a larger one
The kitties, the one on the left is mine, Athena, the one on the right, Evil Mouse.
Agent Smith at the cabin on spring break.
Face's girlfriend at the cabin on spring break.
This is the beginning of our trek to see Switchfoot!
Drummer boy and Curly cue as we were waiting to get into the show!
Luggie waiting to get in... hmm... what's going on in her head?
Your humble blogger... yikes.
Us, we keep on waiting....
Missions girl and Drummer boy, getting a little crazy out there in the cold...
Let the show begin!
Hi Missions girl... I think... somewhere down there...
Alright, that's what i'm talking about.
Jon, wow, your amazing.
We want more.
Sing into your guitar Jon! Do it!
Ahh... pure excitement.
I don't know what Jesus would do here, but I sure hope he was rocking out here!
More Jon.
And even more Jon... singing, playing, awesome.
Spirit take me up in arms with you!
Holy Spirit?
Now, that's what i'm talkin' about!
Alright, and he said let their be light!
And there they all are, i'm behind the camera... good for me.
And now, presenting to you, CRU peeps on a see-saw @ Alki Beach
Me and Coffee girl @ Alki Beach
Me, Coffee Girl, and my cohort in crime.
And look at us... Alki Beach is awesome. Seattle is suppose to be behind us, but it didn't take very well.
That's us, again, self timer on camera didn't allow us time to get centered on the frame.
Ahh, that's better. Who took out Seattle?
Hey there...
Now, what's that you say?
Just who are you looking at with that thing?
Well, I've had a great couple of week, but gotta get back to saving the world. See you all soon.
Posted by
6:36 PM |
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Hello my name is Travis Mielonen, and i've chosen three pieces by John Forman: We were meant to Live, This is your Life, and Dare you to move. The theme of these pieces? Life has a purpose.
We were meant to Live: Jon Foreman of Switchfoot
Fumbling his confidence
And wond'ring why the world has passed him by
Hoping that he's meant for more than arguments
And failed attempts to fly, fly
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Dreaming about Providence
And whether mice or men have second tries
Maybe we've been livin with our eyes half open
Maybe we're bent and broken, broken
We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than this world's got to offer
We want more than the wars of our fathers
And everything inside screams for second life
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
We were meant to live
We were meant to live
This is your life: Jon Foreman of Switchfoot
Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
Yesterday is a promise that you've broken
Don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
This is your life and today is all you've got now
Yes, and today is all you'll ever have
Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose
Yesterday is a kid in the corner
Yesterday is dead and over
Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, are you who you want to be
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be
When the world was younger and you had everything to lose
And you had everything to lose
Dare you to move: Jon Foreman of Switchfoot
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's here
Everybody's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next
What happens next
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened
What you just read is my Oral Interpretation for my public speaking class... I speak either on Tuesday or Thursday this week, gotta practice! We are supose to "internalize" the pieces not memorize them, but since these are some of my favorite songs right now, that shouldn't be too hard.
Posted by
4:48 PM |
Friday, April 04, 2003
I'm a sinner
I'm a drop-out (you know how many classes i've dropped!), a loser (I really suck at playing cards...), a lier (sometimes this really causes a lot of problems), a perverted sexual guy (come on guys, you know it), an emotional freak (so i'm a little on the sensitive side, and speak before thinking sometimes), and most of all, a follower of Christ. While he didn't have any of these problems, he was tempted, but he over came, and I can too (just not on the first try, but maybe you can). I have been set free of the bondage of sin! We all have/can when we follow Christ. I love the book of Mathew, it's convicting, but very useful in making me repent and change my ways. Amen.
Posted by
12:11 AM |
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
I'm alive and well!
Here is an overview of what's been going on in my life.
Wednesday 3/26/03 - CRU day trip/Call in sick because I�m lame and forgot to plan ahead.
The CRU crew met in the Woodinville Top Foods at about 8:00am, we gathered our stuff to make lunch. I made a quick call to Mission Girl, and then we headed off to Gasp Girl�s house. We then proceeded to make our lunches, which was of the most fun I�ve ever had in making a PBJ sandwich. Mission Girl called to say she was ready, so we were off to pick her up!
We leave Woodinville around 9:00am, life is happy, and we head to Mukilteo for the ferry to Whidbey Island, we then proceed to cross the 22 miles across the island to get on another ferry which will take us to our �final� destination, or so we thought. While waiting for this ferry, we took the opportunity to worship and praise the Lord, on the quiet beaches, and in the bathroom building, it was awesome, the sun was out and the wind a little crisp. Poor mission girl hits poor tulip in the head with a rock, we pray for her, and everything is okay. The ferry boat docks and we drive up onto it. We enjoy our little ride to Port Townsend, at the departure of our vehicle we all agree we are now starving, the day has flown by and it�s a little past noon now. We drive through town, and ask directions to Hurricane ridge, which was going to be our place to eat lunch, we soon discover we are in the wrong town and need to go another 45 miles to Port Angeles, woops, so we eat lunch instead in a quaint little state park of Fort Townsend, it was great, and my car should have been videotaped for a Subaru commercial.
Lunch is over, and now we make the 45+ mile trek to Port Angeles, the drive was beautiful. God is so awesome in his creation. We start the decent to Hurricane ridge, and wow what magnificent views! Amen! Then we discover the road is closed before we can get there� well God had other plans in store for us, physical training! We find a trial head to Angels lake, 3.7 miles says the sign, okay no sweat. 13 miles later, and we read the sign again, woops, didn�t see the trail brake off earlier, and we ended up going 13 miles round trip to no where, but the snow was fun! My back was absolutely killing me for about 1/4 the trip, but all was good, God is good, and the pain went away as soon as I forgot about it!
We head back into Port Townsend for dinner and stop by a family dinner, it was cute, exactly the kind of family diner you would expect in a small town. The $7.95 8oz, baked potato, and salad special was a delight to Mission Girl and Tulip� my burger was excellent. We then trek, many miles, back to Bremerton to catch the ferry straight into downtown Seattle. The views were magnificent! The talks great! And have I ever mentioned that I LOVE SEATTLE!
We arrive at Tulip's house, we attempt to watch a movie, but I�m exhausted, so I drop dead there on the floor. :)
Thursday 3/27/03 - *cough cough* I think I have the flu.
So, since I�m so exhausted from this little day trip, I call in sick to work. I went to bed at 2:00am, and I awake at 2:00pm� yikes. Didn�t do much else, Firefighter boy came over after work, and we grabbed some Starbuck�s then went to young adults, then Red Robin. God blessed my socks off with great worship, and good fellowship.
Friday 3/28/03 - *sniffle* I�m going to rest.
Well� since I�m still absolutely exhausted, I think by this time just from too much stimulation and not enough physical/mental rest, I decided to call in once more. So, this time I make my self productive, I washed all my clothes, cleaned my room, but didn�t get to the rest of the apartment, oh well� it�ll happen some day. Kind of just relaxed, and read the Word a little. When the time rolled around I went to Marysville to see Jordan Munoz in concert at a Starbucks, no cover charge! It was great, talked to Luggie rock, who I hadn�t talked to in a long while, it was good stuff. Talked to the band a little, bought there new EP, life is good! Jordan Munoz rocks this world.
Went to Snohomish after the show to pick up my roommate, then met Firefighter boy for a drink of coffee, which was good, talked a lot. Then my roommate and I headed up to a little cabin just pass Steven�s Pass to meet up with the girls, life was great, watched some stuff, of course we didn�t talk about anything profound, but that�s okay. We stayed there, Boys downstairs and Girls upstairs please pray for a couple of these friends though, I don�t know what to do, I need to talk to certain guy, but I haven�t had the opportunity.
Saturday 3/29/03 � Leavenworth, and let�s talk about�. Relationships baby.
So we wake up and the girls, ever so gratefully serve me half a hash brown. So, now that I�ve been starved (which is completely my fault since I forgot to get food for my self) we head into Leavenworth (a barbarian town in the Cascades of Washington), which is great, it�s about seventy degrees out, I have to take my jacket off, and we have lunch in a little diner, where I have one of the best French dips I�ve ever had in a long time. We also get Ice Cream and here from our friend in Australia, it�s awesome. We then head home promptly afterwords.
When I return home I have coffee with a very special women of God, and we talk about her relationship with a certain great man of God, it�s great. I love Christian relationships because of the communication, I just pray that some of my friends understand the awesome things which come out of Godly advice, and seeking it!
Sunday 3/30/03 � Church, fellowship
Pretty much a standard Sunday for me, get up (and actually be on time, unlike the other 6 days of the week). Go to church were our pastor continues his series on Judgment and Discernment, which is great, ask me about it! Then of course a large chunk of us from the young adults group goes out to lunch. Then we go and see a movie, Tears of the Sun GO SEE IT! It�s absolutely amazing! Made me want to be a missionary even more.
After the movie we get this random idea to go to the Kirkland waterfront to worship, it was great, very great! We end up meeting this group of Russian immigrants from an Everett area church. They sing for us some Russian worship music, they sing with us in stuff we both know, it was great. This is what the unity of the Body of Christ should look like! The Holy Spirit was so there, AMEN.
Monday 3/31/03 � Work, and the Holy Spirit.
I go to work, late of course. Good day at work though productive, and get my back log all cleared up. I then go straight home to grab my bible, then I go to Firefighter boy�s house, and we head up to Camano Island, yeah that�s a long way to go for a Men�s group. This group was great; the Holy Spirit was there in a way I hadn�t really experienced before. Although I can�t find scripture to back up everything which happened there, instead of freaking out about it, I listened to the Holy Spirit. I was being told to just listen and be still, to be my self, and to be moved by God. It was an amazing experience. Praise the lord Jesus. Because I listened I was able to be blessed instead of distracted and upset.
Tuesday 4/1/03 � Work, School, Worship.
Well, I had breakfast with the CRU crew (at least some of them), and it was great, a great way to start off what�s going to be an awesome quarter. Thanks guys, you are awesome! I�m so excited for this public speaking class, it was great! I�m a little scared too. Our first assignment is to �perform� a poem, after clearance from the professor, I�m going to �perform� Switchfoot�s �Meant to live� and �This is your life�, I am stocked! The concert is tomorrow! When I got home from a good day of work, I needed to print out advertisements for CRU and for a roommate (please pray for this, we still need one). After returning from campus to do that stuff, I talked to my roommate who is moving out, it was a little on the rocky side, I was just trying to figure out why he�s moving out when he said he wouldn�t until we found a roommate, but I guess I should just let it go, I know the Lord will make good of this and all will be fine.
So, I went to Badger�s house, it was fun, had great worship, and got to hang with a good friend of mine, she needs prayer, physical healing and a convicted sense of where to go. Amen, God is good. Thank God for the body of Christ, Brothers, and Sisters, Amen.
Posted by
12:38 AM |