So, I was sitting at Starbuck's tonight with a good friend of mine, when I had this thought. Why is God sending me somewhere when I have no real experience? Why am I feeling called to some kind of pastorship, when I have no real skill in it? Why do I have god given skills in something my heart is not in? Why do I have no heart in the skills God has given me and why is my heart in something I have no skills?
Her answer� Because God calls us to depend on him, when we lean on our skills we don't need him, but if we do something he is calling us to do, we have to lean on him, so he can use us. Wow, what a thought. Now�
God, can I please have at least a little heart put back into my gifts which you have given me? Can you please just change up my work somehow� I know� I need to have a change of heart, I need to initiate it� I'm just too lazy right now, and for how long; I have no idea. I need to really sit down and pray and figure this out, I know if this whole work thing gets panned out, then I can really start to enjoy my gifts.
Check out this article, I agree with it 100%. I might have more to say about it later, but it pretty much sums up how I feel about that subject, and if you read it closely, well then you should understand.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago