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Monday, December 29, 2003

passion is God's goal for your life

Enemy-occupied territory - that is what this world is. – C. S. Lewis
Our lives can be a great fairy tale, a great romance novel, an amazing miracle, a fascinating adventure, and a life of integrity, all in one. Remember the "Choose your own adventure" books? You know, the books where a number of options were presented at the end of each chapter, and you flipped to the page of the option you wished to explore. I believe our lives are very similar, it is our choice, and sometimes we hit a dead end. However, if you were like me, every time you chose a dead end route, you would trace back your steps and take another option. Life is a choose-your-own-adventure, except you are the main character and reader while God is the author. The "options" are ready for you to choose, to direct your life, sometimes you know the outcomes, other times you do not, sometimes we choose on faith, other times we choose on selfishness.

God is more than we can ever picture, God is more than anything anyone has ever told us, and how else is anything explainable? As much as science, philosophers, and even politicians try to explain how the world works, we will never be content until we are in harmony again with God, the way he created it to be. God created the whole thing, and it is a beautiful mystery. Just as in a great fairy tale, we have stories of kings and people who served God with all their hearts, and we have stories of kings and people who abandoned God, we to can be a part of a great story. God has used people to tell other people about himself, we can only trust, and live by faith, because without faith we cannot trust or love from our hearts.

God wants us to live life from our hearts, not from our minds, he wants us to live a life full of passion, full of emotion, he wants our hearts and flesh to cry out to him, and for other people! This world is not our final destination, this world is not our home, we are foreigners here, we are not meant to live this life, we are meant for so much more! Do you really think God's plan is for us to live in a world of war and suffering? No, he created us to be in a relationship, and not just any relationship, a relationship with the creator of everything! What an amazing story God has already created for us, if we use all we know and experience; we will change the world. With out freewill we have no way of loving from our hearts, without freewill we are nothing we are not special. This is the time for us, soldiers of Jesus Christ, to realize we are at war, and to win this war we do not use any physical weapon, but the most important and beautiful weapon God ever created, LOVE.

Lord Jesus,

I have no words to describe the praise I want to give you. There are no words in my vocabulary to explain how I feel. I do not want my words to be cliché; I want my words to be fresh, to be a candlelight in the pitch-black void of someone's life. I want these words to be a spark of life to ignite an explosion of faith. I ask for your will to work through me, I ask the blinders to be removed from my eyes that have kept me from fulfilling your work. I ask you to place me in the dark lives of any person willing to hear. I ask you to make me more. Jesus Christ I have been selfish, seeking only things which benefit me, seeking only my own amazing story and leaving out others, I want to change my heart, accept my apologies and help me to change. I am grateful for the amazing life you have given me so far, from child-hood trauma, sexual abuse, loneliness, pour self-worth, to amazing skills, relationships, friends, family, love, and most of all freedom and passion. Lord God, take my life, use it, have it all, control my life. In your awe-inspiring name, make it so.