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Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Don't worry about tomorrow, for today brings enough worries of it's own....

Here I am, I�ve told my boss about my plans for Poland. Wow, God is good, he took it well. I was worrying about it so badly, and everything came out just fine.

So here I am, at work, bored, when I shouldn't be... but the first half of the day I felt like I couldn't breathe, so now I�m just burnt out. I have been thinking a lot lately about the future, and the past. The future holds many questions, and if you keep trying to answer them you'll turn your self in to a neurotic maniac!

What the future holds.

In one day,
another day of work,
three meals
and time with friends.

In one week,
more work,
many more meals,
and time with friends,
hopefully good times.

In one month,
Christmas will be done,
The new year will have come,
Hopefully I�ll have had some fun,
and CRU will be back from the winter conference!

In one year,
I�ll have been in Poland for about three months,
I�ll have had thanksgiving with new friends,
but w/o family
I�m sure I�ll be having some home sickness,
and I�ll be writing home to friends and family asking for prayer!
but I�m sure that I�ll finally have the feeling that I�m in a place God wants me!