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Saturday, June 05, 2004

Ronald Reagan 1911-2004

We knew the day would come. I had barely started elementary school when he left office, however I will always admire his style and charisma. May his work continue to bless our nation, and may his words always have wisdom for generations to come. The Lord has taken him home at this time for a reason, he has moved onto the more beautiful side of life. We all will slip away into eternity, what have we done with our life here? Seize the day and know that we were meant to live for so much more.

I had barely started elementary school when he left office, however I will always admire his style and charisma. May his work continue to bless our nation, and may his words always have wisdom for generations to come. The Lord has taken him home at this time for a reason, he has moved onto the beautiful side of life. We all will slip away into eternity, what have we done with our life here? Seize the day, we were meant to live for so much more.

To add to my dreams that I posted yesterday, I sometimes dream of being the President of the United States. Not for the power, not for the fame, not for money, and not even for the chance to travel. I dream of being President because I believe in making a difference, a positive difference, THE difference. But I want to see a world changed for Jesus, some may say that a Jesus freak could never be elected.

The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. [John 14:12]