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Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Do you ever have times where the future just seems to be laid ahead of you? Well I know I have never really seen it quite as clearly as I do right now. The thing about this path is that it requires a lot of resources, makes me depend on the outcomes of other people�s paths, and most of all is at least a year and a half out. But I know these things for sure�.

    1) I will experience God more than I have ever before.
    2) I will learn to depend on God and others more, I have been very independent up until now.
    3) I will finally be equipped to fulfill my passions.
    4) I will learn all about world cultures and religions, and have that under myself when I�m talking with others.

Now of course, depending on what happens with other people the plan can change. But I am confident the overall outcomes will be the same even if the medium in which it is to happen changes. This plans, however it may turn out is going to require a lot of patience on my part, and a lot of sacrifice, but I think I�m prepared.

[Jeremiah 29:11]
11 For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.