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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Trip update and newsletter!

Cześć! Każdy! (chesch kashzdy, y makes an i sound as in it)
Hi! Everyone!

Yep, I know, most of you are tired of reading letters, updates, etc... I know I have a hard time reading them as well. So here's the scoop. Please read the letter, it's much more interesting and has information on our FUTURE beyond the short trips, but if you truly don't have the time AND you already know our hearts, and you just want the basic information then read below and skip the letter.

When: February 16-24
Who: Travis and a friend from Arizona (as Alexis is pregnant, and baby Emma is due on March 30th!)
What: A leaders retreat, to train and equip Polish leaders in doing ministry in their own country
Where: Poland, where else? :P
Cost: Plane tickets are purchased, we still need about $2,000 Asking for only $30 from 80 more people.

Serving our Lord with your parnership,With love,
Travis & Alexis Mielonen

Enemy-occupied territory – that is what this world is. – C. S. Lewis