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Thursday, August 28, 2003

Old Friends

Today I had lunch with an old friend, granted he�s four years younger than me, which makes him 17, but in all the years we�ve known each other (about five, and four of those as good friends) the age difference has never been more than a little joke. Plus, this particular friend of mine, is a foot taller than me, at 6�6� he sort of towers over me, but once again, just small jokes have been the outcome of that. His name is Ross, and he is one of the most important people in my life. He�s the son of my first pastor, so he�s a �pastor�s kid� or �PK�, but he�s not anything like the stereo type, not at all. I�ve had hundreds of good conversations with him, from stupid guy things, family things, church stuff, people, prayer, and God. I�ve seen him grow both spiritually and physically, when I met him, he was shorter than me, and I may have only grown an inch or two since I�ve known him.

I realized today, that God has blessed me with some of the most amazing people, his parents have taught me, and guided me over the past few years, and he has shown me what it is to be searching. Of course as any good friends have, we have argued, been mad at each other, and have cried over each other. Today, we talked, although it was not a happy talk, since I�m leaving soon, we reminisced, and he told me what was up in his life, and his family�s, and I shared all about mine too. We are both heading into the unknown, and I pray for the very best of protection, wisdom, and guidance for Ross, and his family. Thank you God for Ross, I am very proud of him.

And I�m asking for all of you who know Ross, and those who don�t, keep the Gomes� in your prayers, ask for God�s wisdom in their lives, and intercession of his power to protect them, Don, Heidi, and Ross all need protection from the enemy right now. Pray for Heidi, she had surgery last year for cervical cancer, and with that they did a full hysterectomy, which has caused a chemical unbalance and her emotions are being effected, pray for healing, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

In Jesus� name,

So be it.