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Saturday, August 09, 2003

I love her.

Yes, that's right I love her. I love her smile, her hair, the way she gets sleepy, I love everything about her. But I love her heart the most; it is so evident that she love's God more than me, or any other human. She is everything I ever wanted, and that's a good thing. But we completely believe in not "awakening love before its time" (from the Song of Solomon), so we wait, with my time in Poland quickly approaching I know that God is going to lead us into better pastures. I know, I must remain realistic, and begin to focus on my time in Poland. I know God has chosen this timing for a reason, and I must set my sights on him before her, and before Poland, so that I may serve both and all others with the best of my abilities.

So here are my (mostly random) thoughts Alexis.

Does she love the Lord? � Yes it is evident in the way she loves children and others.

Is she supportive of the Poland mission? � Yes, in fact she's excited for me, and is very supporting.

Where does she see herself fulfilling the great commencement? � Working as an elementary school teacher, and working with children. To fulfill her namesake of "Helper of man kind"

Favorite book of the bible � Joshua

Mysterious � Yes, and this is a good thing

Random Thoughts on myself.

Am I in love with the Lord? � Yes, and if I ever show anything else, seriously let me know.

Am I ready and prepared to leave Alexis, my friends, my family and my life here for Poland � Yes, I'm excited, but truthfully a little scared about meeting new people and having them understand my love for Christ, but I know the Holy Spirit will be strong, if not more than it is here at home, because I'll be in a place where I need to depend on God.

Where do I see my self fulfilling the great commencement? � Eventually teaching high schoolers about network administration, and architecture, most students interested in this area have social skills which are not "popular", and therefore a lot of these students need Love and attention� I feel God's gift to me as a computer/network support specialist can be used to make relationships with those kinds of people � the kind I use to be, I have a connection.

Favorite book of the bible � Ever changing, but Mathew is still at the top.

Am I mysterious? � Not so much.

My goal right now for the two of us � Show God's powerful love to everyone through our relationship with each and our individual relationships with Christ.