See also Part I and Part II
First my definition of "believe" � Believe, I know as absolute truth, with out any doubt, but because I'm human, my beliefs could change, but not without much counsel and research.
I believe God longs for us to be like him � Putting the needs and cares of others before yourself. I believe God is our perfect heavenly parent, perfect because God is unconditional. I believe we serve others because we love them, not because we want something out of what we are doing, but God does bless us for serving w/o condition. Because we love God, we love his creation, which is everything in this universe; we should go out of our way to take care of what God has given us. Don't just serve other "believers" serve the world, Jesus served the sinners, went to the poor, talked to the prostitutes, and healed those who others would not touch. Your true parent lives in heaven and created everything, so why be afraid? We have real power in Jesus Christ, the son of God and the son of humans.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago