Just a quick update� I�ll have more later today. But I got my web cam to work at my desk at work now, so that�s kind of exciting. I�ve been talking to one of my old roommates, she (yes, I know, but things have changed, I won�t live w/ girls again) has been growing in the Lord so much, she�s not going to church that I know of� but she is really interested in going to mine when her grandparents are better. So I love how God is moving people. So far at work, things are okay, I don�t have much to do except coordinate our phone network people so they can get things working better. So, I hope everyone is good� Oh by the way, Alexis doesn�t have to work today, that�s a good thing! Yay. Have a great day.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago