So there we were (Matt and I) sitting in my living room, and Mouse (the black cat) gets up on top of his bag. We think "Oh that silly cat, she's always getting into bags"� then we think "Oh� hmm her ears are stuck back like she's using the litter box or something, that's weird"� "Umm� she just got off the bag and is turning around to sniff where she was just sitting"� Complete side-splitting laughter comes from our apartment, as Matt inspects his bag, and sure enough Mouse peed into his bag!! Mouse belongs to my roommate Eric... go figure.
So later on, after group and all that special stuff� Alexis, Eric (my roommate) and I are at her house, and her dad gets back from the airport. Apparently a friend of his had died, so the tickets he had for him and his girlfriend to the John Mayor/Counting Crows show tomorrow are now available, so he offers them to us. YEAH BABY! So� we will be driving to the gorge tomorrow, how fun is that! Awesome.
I've been reading a lot of Romans lately, I am loving it, and I've never read through Romans before. No wonder it's a lot of people's favorite books of the bible, its great! God is so good� So good.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago