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Thursday, October 30, 2003

Hopless Romantic - That's what I am... so what.

About an hour ago, I hung up the phone with Alexis. I never thought I would be apart of a romance story. I have to admit I�m on cloud nine, and I know there are hard times ahead, I know we will argue, I know at times we will not feel �in love� but I don�t believe love to be just a feeling, it�s an action. Put love into action and the feelings come afterwards.

My prayer for us is this:

I will build for all time
A house of memories
Just for you and I
There you'll find
Rooms inside
Filled with laughter, joy
And your daddy's pride
Around the table
And down the hall
We'll chase each other
Till the laughter makes us fall
In the evening
We'll lay our heads down
And thank God for these memories

[Ten Shekel Shirt: Much: House of Memories]

I give all credit and praise to God for our romance; it would not be possible with out him. Only with God can a marriage be complete, completely full of love � action packed love. You see, I do not worship Alexis, and she does not worship me, we worship our creator and savior. We worship him with our lives because he unconditionally loves us, loves us with everything he has.

I have no problem being a hopeless romantic, God created romance, God wants us to be in intimate relationships with others, and he wants us to love as he does. A man is joined to his wife, to become one, this signifies how God�s character is, and he is both female and male. When we are married we are joined together in a unity which, if God is truly the center of this new life, will not break apart. Times will be rough; sometimes a couple will not feel as one, sometimes they will even not �feel� the love. But in God�s word love is always followed by action, Jesus always moved with compassion for the people. Love is hard work, which is why God came to be human, to feel our temptations, to know our struggles and to have compassion for us, because he loves us.