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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Verbal vs. Written communication

Sometimes the written form of communication works, especially when emotions or money are invovled. I've had this thing at work bugging me, but due to a lack of face on face time I haven't been able to fully explain the situation to those that need to know. So, instead I wrote an email, I cringed as I wrote it because I usually perfer to talk to people face to face... but it just wasn't going to happen this time.

And you know what? I actually felt really good about, I was able to explain myself, and the best part was I had time to think it out, make it clear, and make my objective points. While sometimes, and maybe in most cases, face to face is better, I do believe at times written communication work best, than a clear line of communication can be opened, and hopefully a face to face conversation will have some good solid ground to work from.

Just a thought.