I'm finally making some changes around here… I like the layout, but I'm ready for a new paint job. I'm thinking something that says "a hike in the mountains". Wait and see.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago
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Just one guy's thoughts, ideas, musings, on following Jesus.
I'm finally making some changes around here… I like the layout, but I'm ready for a new paint job. I'm thinking something that says "a hike in the mountains". Wait and see.
Posted by
3:28 AM |
Age: 26
Married to: Alexis
Daughter: Emma Eileen
Hometown: Seattle/Duvall, WA
Live in: Portland/Gresham, OR
Quick history & future: In 03/04 lived/served in Poland. By September 2010 we plan on permanently living and serving in Kraków, Poland.
Occupation: IT System Admin
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