So, the Lord is so good, but you already knew that. It seems I need a reminder way to often. Today I received the second (and last, for now) payment of my wages for my time in Seattle this past summer doing a temporary network job. It was a bit more than I had anticipated due to all the overtime I had to work. So, now for the first time since last may (which I know is not that long compared to others) I am free of debt (except to school, but that's an ongoing deal) and my credit seems to have survived somehow. I hate that when the weight of debt falls off my shoulders I feel better, I hate that I allow my circumstances to control my emotional state, this is so wrong, and I know that God doesn't want that, and that only the enemy wins in that situation. However, I am learning that by patiently enduring (James 1) times like this I'll be more free and a much more pleasant person to be around. The Lord's promises are what I should rejoice in, and I must keep my sights on heaven, otherwise I'll end up where I've been already, and I don't like that.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago