Hello. Alexis and I have been in Gresham Oregon since Saturday. However we don't have Internet access at our houses... yet. School starts this coming Monday and then ministry the following Monday. Gresham is a cool little town though, right now I am writing this from Alexis' new laptop (I left mine back at the house) in a cafe which has FREE wireless Internet access, how incredibly cool is that! Anyway, as soon as I have regular Internet access again then you'll get the daily updates again. I miss blogging, it really has helped me process things, and the past Month I have had a ton of processing to do!
Oh, and by the way, I am completly broke, I paid. tuition today, God totatly came through (as if he never did) I thought I would have to borrow $200 from Alexis because last night when I went to register for classes they told me my financial aid information never went through and so I didn't get any, but today as I went to pay the stopped me and said it did go through, and I will be recieving $200/quarter... exactly what I needed for this quarter. AMEN. But for the next five quarters I have to be able to save $2000 for each quarter, that means I have to make at least $1000/month... I'm on a limb.
Edifier du Jour: Philippians 4 10-13(NIV)
4 years ago