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Sunday, November 16, 2003

Get to know Jesus

That’s what being a “Christian” is, isn’t it? Then why do people insist on being a “Churchtian”? I’ll tell you what, Jesus didn’t like religion, he consistently rejected the ways of the religious leaders, and he always challenged them. His first miracle was turning water into wine (yes alcohol), but he never got drunk, because when your drunk you have no control of yourself, and you can’t serve others, or honor God. Jesus also did not stay away from the “unholy” people, he ate with sinners (just like you and I), and he stayed in their homes. Jesus was not religious he did not do anything to please anyone but God himself, whom he was. He LOVED all people, he died for ALL of us, and at the moment of his death he felt all of our hurt, all of our sins, he physically and emotionally experienced everything which we experience because of sin. Both our own sins and the effects of the sins people do against us.

I’m not here in Poland for my own good, my own little adventure. I am here only to love others, because God loves me, and I only want others to know God’s love. My heart is aching for so many people, for all those here, who do not realize the love I have is because of God. Satan has such a strong hold on the fears of people in this town, but instead of focusing on those problems, and all of these fears and trying to solve them. I am going to do what God has called me to do, and that is, Love people. I don’t deserve God’s love, so the least I can do is love others, I have a surplus, and I must do something with it. But just like you can't decline a gift, because a gift is a GIFT. I can't delcine God's gift of love. Jesus Christ is the only one I need to please, after that everything else falls into place. It is not always easy, it’s not always milk and honey, but it is the only way. And it is not religion, it is a true relationship with out any conditions, and with out any hurt from God.